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Image entreprise Normacadre
Normacadre has been responsible for carrying out your projects since 1957.
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Present on all
5 continents

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Present on all 5 continents, Normacadre international masters all operations to perfection in Overseas French Departments and Territories or abroad. The skills of our administrative staff, perfect knowledge of international transports (sea or air) and custom clearance procedures guaranty that your supplies will be delivered on site and on time to our expat staff.

Algeria - Angola - Bangladesh - Belgium - Burundi - China - Congo - Egypt - Gabon - Guadeloupe - Guyana - India - Islamic Republic of Iran - Ivory Coast - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Madagascar - Malian Republic - Martinique - Mauritanian Republic - Nederland - New Caledonia - New Herbridees - Nigeria - Quatar - Portugal - Republic of Central Africa - Republic of Benin - Reunion Island - Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Saudi Arabia - Senegal - Spain - Sudan - Syria - Tahiti - Tunisia - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - I.S.C. (U.S.S.R.)

Normacadre International
Tél. +33 238 910 552 – Fax +33 238 910 983